kb pottery is functional art that is playful, simple, and modern. each piece is handmade from start to finish with skilled workmanship and joy.

My name is Kelsey and I am a potter based out of Memphis, Tennessee. As an artist, I seek to make beautiful pieces of functional art that can enhance the daily moments of life that bring meaning and joy to our human experience. As you may have figured out by now, much of living is done in the mundane tasks and in the simplicity of being present where we are. Each moment should be savored every chance we get: the honey-sweet laughter of a toddler, the pitter patter of little feet running through the yard, a kiss on the cheek from a spouse before heading off to work and a warm cup of coffee in a mug made carefully by a local artist.

We don’t have to make the small moments special, but I think we really should.